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Why Ringless Voicemail is a Better Way To Promote Events


Event promotion includes a range of disciplines that typically require a lot of time, cost, and effort. At times, promoting an event (small or big) becomes hard like climbing Mount Everest on a unicycle sans oxygen, but use of right tools, such as Ringless voicemail, can save you significant cost and effort.

Many promoters use social media strategy to market their event. It is no secret that it is a great way of promoting events but there’s a new and arguably much more effective technology that’s now available.


Voicemail Marketing allows you to engage your audience is a very personal and cost effective fashion by delivering your message directly to voicemail. You don’t need to wait and hope that your target audience views your social media ad. Instead, you can immediately and directly interact with your audience. Say that you’re promoting a major music artist. Just think of what kind of results you would get if you left a voicemail, maybe from that artist herself, and asked your audience to text back for tickets.


How Ringless Voicemail Works

Voicemail Marketing technology uses a server to server delivery mechanism to deliver your promotional message directly to your target audience’s voicemail box without ringing their phone. This technology has been successfully used to promote events like concerts, school events, church events, open houses, fundraisers, and for many more uses.


Affordable Promotional Marketing for Your Event

If you’re planning to promote an event and you need a direct but not intrusive way to notify them without much effort on your part, Ringless Voicemail Technology is a game changer for you. It is an efficient and low cost alternative compared to media advertisement and other traditional marketing methods. Costing just pennies per successfully delivered message, Ringless voicemail software is proving to be a key ingredient to promote your event.



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